Time-chem & CPhI China 2010 |
Suzhou Time-Chem Technologies Co.,Ltd. successfully exhibited at CPhI China 2010 in Shanghai. We exhibited our hot products, such as DIAD, 4-Nitrophenyl Chloroformate, Chloromethyl Pivalate, α-Bromo-4-Hydroxy Acetophenone, CDMT, FCA, and so on, totally 31 products. Also, our clients and us friendly visited each other at the exhibition. We communicated and discussed with them on new technology, service, and R&D in the same pharmaceutical field. However, on the other hand , we have to accepted that International Economic Crisis exerts an influence on worldwide pharamaceutical market now. The photos recorded the scene of our attending CPhI China 2010 in Shanghai.
Published:2010-06-08 |